Life Update

Hey guys so I haven’t done a post in a while and I really want to know how my little online family are doing, how are all of you?

Ok, you’ve got me that’s not all I wanted to say there is other things I want to talk to you about.

The last week has been horrible for me mainly because my best friend, we are going to call her Sophia has completely taken arms against me and even though I tried to make things right I just seem to make things worse.

After nearly a week of being insulted then trying to say the right thing only to be pointed out something else I’ve said could have been considered insulting I’ve decided something.

Friendships are wonderful and special and you should hold on to them for all they are worth but if they are taking more from you than giving back are they really beneficial to you? This is one of those hard times when I have to decided to be selfish. To put aside someone else feelings to save myself and just pray they have other friends to rely on.

I’m scared though, because Sophia wasn’t just my friend she was my best friend and without her I’ll be alone again for the majority of the time. I just hope I’m strong enough to handle that.

I may edit this post later because there is so much that has been left unsaid but until then…


Much Love,



P.s Have you any friendships that have gone drastically wrong? Please leave me a comment to let me know I’m not the only one to have to soldier through this situation!

5 thoughts on “Life Update

  1. I have a bestie, the bestest bestie I could ever wish for. My life would literally fall apart without him. We are like 5 and 6, people who don’t know us and are meeting us for the first time either think we are engaged or we are siblings. But it’s not always roses, there are times when it gets ugly but thanks to one simple rule, it never goes beyond a day no matter how ugly it gets, and trust me, it gets ugggg-leeee. The rule? Say sorry, mean it and move on. It doesn’t matter who’s at fault, the friendship is forever top priority and we’ll do whatever it takes to preserve it, I don’t care about being right or wrong, just say sorry and let it all go.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That sounds like a brilliant rule and I’m so happy it works for you and your best friend. Unfortunately I have apologised several times even when I’ve felt that perhaps I deserved an apology instead but it doesn’t seem to be getting us anywhere. Thank you for your comment though! Your so lucky

      Much Love,

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I spent my entire 9th grade being ostracized by my friends. SO much so that even my teachers commented on it. There was no reason for it, they just decided that i was no longer welcome to be their friend. I was stressed and angry and afraid. Afraid to be alone, and angry cause I was afraid. After one whole year of disappointment and anger I gave up. I valued my mental health too much to tolerate being treated as rubbish.
    Eight years down the line I still follow the same rule. If others treat you good, be the best friend they’ve ever had. If they treat you as shit, dump them out of your life. You are too valuable.
    Hope you sort out things with your friend.
    I quite like your blog, so keep writing 🙂 Hopefully see you soon!


    1. Thank you so much that’s such valuable advice! We are better now but not completely mended yet but we’re on the right track!
      I’ll try but right now I’m struggling to come up with blog post ideas, any inspiration for me?

      Much Love,


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